Anesthesia Options - Excelsior & Minnetonka, MN

Dental Fear is in the Past with IV Sedation Dentistry


Tackling Dental Anxiety

If the thought of receiving dental treatment causes you dental fear or anxiety, contact us learn how sedation dentistry can help you. Our practice features intravenous (IV) sedation for our patients who are undergoing more complex procedures, or those who have serious dental anxiety. Sedation dentistry can help make patients feel relaxed and comfortable during treatment, or at times allow them to sleep during the appointment. Dental anesthesia is a wonderful tool for doctors with patients suffering from severe dental anxiety. Facial Designs, P.A. specializes in IV dental anesthesia for patients in the Excelsior and Minnetonka, MN areas.

The Process of IV Sedation

Conscious IV sedation is the administration of anesthesia through an IV to reduce anxiety and induce a state of relaxation. Patients often feel like they are in a dream state when the anesthesia is circulating through the body but remain awake, but some do fall asleep. Patients undergoing complex procedures like wisdom teeth removal or dental implants require this type of sedation dentistry. Dr. Roderick VanSurksum understands that some patients have a high level of fear or anxiety, and procedures can be overwhelming or uncomfortable, which is why we offer IV sedation as a convenient solution for many patients. Sedation dentistry can open new doors for patients who previously though dental treatment was unattainable.

Advantages of IV Sedation

Other Anesthesia Options

Don’t let fear hold you back from receiving much needed dental care! Our sedation dentistry options make your visits that much more comfortable and stress free. Learn more about IV sedation by scheduling an appointment with our dentist today. Our team will be happy to answer any questions you may have and develop a customized treatment plan for you. If you have been looking for sedation anesthesia near you, look no further!
Used for the most complex, invasive dental procedures such as full mouth dental implant placement, general anesthesia is a combination of medications that renders you totally unconscious. This form of sedation dentistry requires an experienced provider. Only specially trained practitioners like the ones we have on staff here at Facial Designs, P.A. can provide this level of dental anesthesia.
Nitrous oxide (commonly known as “laughing gas”) is typically inhaled through a mask prior to your treatment. Patients are alert but relaxed throughout the procedure. The effects of nitrous oxide wear off quickly once your mask is removed.

Tackle your oral health with us!

Call today and learn more about our sedation dentistry options.